For optimal response to your inquiry National Environmental Systems asks our clients to consider the following:
Voltage____, Phase____, Amperage____ |
Class 1, Division 1 ? XP Motors
Class 1, Division 2 ? XP or TEFC Motors
Unclassified ? TEFC Motors
Site Size and/or Zoning Restrictions
Safety - Emergency Stops, IS Barriers, Overloads
Automation, Telemetry, Datalogging
Sensors, Instrumentation, Alarm Requirements
Site Size and/or Zoning Restrictions
Equipment Protection ? Climate Considerations
Sound Attenuation
Equipment Service Requirements
Groundwater Influent Constituents and Concentrations
SVE Influent Constituents and Concentrations
Iron and Calcium Data
Required Vacuum and Air Flow
Air Sparge to SVE ratio
Groundwater Flow-rate for desired capture zone |
Number of SVE wells, Air Sparge Points, or GW recovery wells needed to optimize capture zone |