Air Sparging / Air Injection / BioSparging
Air sparging is a remedial technology that can be used to rapidly reduce volatile contamination. Compressed air is introduced to the saturated zone at controlled pressures to facilitate the transfer of volatile compounds from the dissolved phase to the vapor phase. Air sparging is most often used in conjunction with soil vapor extraction (SVE) to rapidly control plume migration and clean up sites contaminated with volatile substances such as gasoline.
Manifolds are available to deliver the compressed air to the desired number of sparge points at the required pressure for the site soil characteristics. Although air sparging is a useful remediation tool its application is usually limited to sites where no free-product is present and no adjacent underground structures such as basements are nearby. Careful soil characterizations must be performed to ensure that the site sub-surface is amenable to the technique.
NES manufactures a wide variety of air sparge systems utilizing rotary vane, rotary screw and reciprocating compressors as well as rotary lobe blowers. These systems are available in either skid mounted or stand alone configurations and can be integrated with soil vapor extraction systems.
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